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I Want to Get Random Erections Again

Have you noticed that your morning erections have diminished as you're getting older? If you answered yes, you're certainly not alone. Like most aging men, I also started experiencing less and less morning erections a couple of years ago.

It was normal to wake up for two weeks in a row withexout that good old morning wood that feels like raging & pulsating steel rod.

It started to be so normal and on occasion those rare morning erections I got started to be the exceptions to the rule (and were very weak and not those raging hard morning erections).

As a man who likes to embrace himself as a sexual being, it was quite a sad that I no longer experienced those hefty morning erections nor even spontaneous erections for that matter.

Of course this made me set out to find more on this topic, and hopefully, also educate others on this issue and ultimately hoping to help every man who struggles with this problem.

What is morning erection and what causes it?

No morning erection?

Every man has experienced erections in his sleep, even if he thinks he hasn't:

Nocturnal penile tumescence (abbreviated as NPT) is a spontaneous erection of the penis during sleep or when waking up. All men without physiological erectile dysfunction experience nocturnal penile tumescence, usually three to five times during the night, typically during REM sleep. NPTs are believed to contribute to penile health. – Wikipedia

This is also the reason you experience morning erections.

The term "morning wood" is not really something that alone descripes this phenomenon – penis can become erect and then flaccid again several times in the course of just one night. You are just more likely to notice it right when you wake up.

"Morning wood" is usually the last of five nocturnal erections that take place over the course of a night and are related to REM sleep. They usually happen every 60-90 minutes and last for potentially 30 minutes.

You can take this the way that it's an designed mechanism to keep your penis healthy.

Here's informational video about morning erection:

Why men lose morning wood – what does it tell?

You probably got here because you googled "lack of morning wood" and were concerned about your morning erection.

Well this article intends to teach some ways I personally got my morning erection back from lack of morning wood.

Most of the health experts say that morning boner test is the easiest way to check your hormonal health (testosterone, FSH, GH) and sleep quality.

If most mornings start with a flaccid penis then according to studies it can be very worrying sign and there is a need for further investigation.

It's that simple = no morning erection means something is wrong and you should start to be obsessed about fixing it.

Lack of morning erection and ED could be caused by a serious health issue. So it's always wise to consult your doctor before trying to fix it yourself.

"The leading cause of erectile dysfunction (ED) is arterial dysfunction, with cardiovascular disease as the most common comorbidity. Therefore, ED is typically linked to a web of closely interrelated cardiovascular risk factors such as physical inactivity, obesity, hypertension, and metabolic syndrome." – Source

In this article I will share how I started to look at this issue and what I did to it. This is for informational purposes only, not for medical advice.

Nutrition and morning erection

Everything usually starts with nutrition, so it's where I started. Could the lack of morning erection be induced by something that is wrong in my diet? That led me to read books like Deep Nutrition.

Deep Nutrition book by Catherine Shanahan, MD (science director of the LA Lakers PRO Nutrition program) made a strong case of removing inflammation causing vegetable oils from your diet:

– Remove vegetable oils and trans fats that block the arteries and impair blood flow to penile tissue.

I highly recommend Deep Nutrition book for everyone that is interested in healthier life, it's chock full of invaluable information that can be rather "controversial" for normal margarine & rapeseed oil consuming folks. I personally listened it via Amazon's Audible as a audiobook.

I intend to go the book over multiple times again. Rarely does nothing instill such burning motivation to eat better like that book.

The book shows so deeply how everything you ingest affects your body, mind, high energy levels, epigenetics (if you ever intend to have children this is a must read just for the deep epigenetics discussion).

I also love how the book shows you why it's so important to eat traditional food, it puts the good old butter and quality meats back on the table and gives you a strong case why to do that.

How to get magnesium easier from nutrition?

By adding magnesium rich foods to your diet:
– Cocoa (100%)
– Almonds & almond butter
– Brazil nuts
– Pumpkin seeds
– Chia seeds

These are few of the foods that bar none have MOST magnesium from any food on the planet.

For example it's unbelievable how much magnesium you can get with adding 100% dark cocoa into your daily eating regime.

Add 10 grams (a tablespoon) here and there to coffee cup or to smoothie and magically you get so MUCH MORE magnesium in your daily life. (It's so easy)

And overall more magnesium from foods like avocado, sweet potato, spinach etc (also magnesium supplements and even magnesium sparkling water once in a while).

Personally some good lean beef, eggs and broccoli and baked sweet potato with butter as a supper has many times lead to very strong morning woods. These foods have pro-testosterone building blocks also, so it's no surprise.

That's just to give you an example of what pro-testosterone meal with loads of nutrients like magnesium looks like.

Supplemental regimes for morning erections?

Most supplements are bullshit in my opinion, and in my experience majority of supplements are just a money grab from fools and ignorant people.

But there are diamonds in the rough that are worth it.

After being a huge supplement junkie for +10 years. I now use just a few ones that are proven to work and have some science to back them up.

Here are some of the most working strategies I've found when it comes to tackling this lack of morning erection problem via certain supplements…

Maca root and erection frequency?

Many folks shilled me maca for sexual health enhancer, I was very sceptical that this was yet again some bullshit new age hippie superfood that does absolutely nothing and has no science to back it up.

But oh well, I tried it anyway…

And I actually found it to be quite interesting.

Now after using it for multiple years I can attest that there is something that maca does to me that makes me want to have a lot more sex and get more erections, fuck longer and recover faster.

Even researchers still aren't sure why or how maca works, but studies have shown that it indeed is a powerful aphrodisiac.

These promising results encourage long-term clinical studies involving more volunteers, to further evaluate the efficacy of ME in athletes and normal individuals and also to explore its possible mechanisms of action. – Study on maca & sexual desire

There is one randomised, double-blind clinical trial study where they gave maca to folks with mild-erecticle dysfunction (ED) and it ended up increasing their erection frequency and libido:

In conclusion, our data support a small but significant effect of Maca supplementation on subjective perception of general and sexual well-being in adult patients with mild ED. – Study

As a adaptogen maca has many ways to regulate your body and make you adapt better for example if you have stress. This is one way how maca can be of help when it comes to getting morning erections back.

I like to use maca almost consistently with 3 weeks on and 1 week off approach. I use it in my coffee (makes wonderful aroma) and smoothies etc.

I personally always use red gelatinized maca as it's proven to work best for increasing sexual desire (study).

Ashwagandha for morning erections

2 ashwagandha supplements
Does taking Ashwagandha help?

I really like ashwagandha supplements, as a long time supplement junkie I know it might actually be one of the most beneficial herbal supplements for men.

I will be writing an indepth article on aswagandha soon, but until then here's the meat and potatoes of ashwagandha benefits for men and why I urge men to try aswagandha:

The many times over studied ashwagandha benefits are quite staggering for men:

– Reduced stress and anxiety
– Increased power output, muscle strength, recovery
– Increased testosterone levels and better sperm quality
– Minor benefits for cardiovascular health, lipids

Check out the Examine for human studies recap.

Personal experiences with ashwagandha

Now that we know ashwagandha is one of the most beneficial herbals for men, it comes as no surprise that it can act almost as a "male vitality" agent.

Past many months when I lost my morning erection and experienced even + 2 weeks waking up without erection with a limp dick and no desire for anything, I didn't really follow my usual herbal supplement routine with the likes of aswagandha in use.

Now when I follow my routine in taking aswagandha in capsule form, I start experiencing waking up with bursting morning wood. Lately it has been so strong that it throbs and feels like it expands more and more.

Lately on the mornings I would've loved to wake up with a sexy woman and just see how much she wants to enjoy that throbbing hard morning erection that feels like it's ready to cut diamonds.

It's funny how that works, ashwagandha must do something very great to my body that it shows up as healthy morning erections and gets me extra hard.

No soft flabby cock anymore. If you wake up with a partner I have no doubt you'd love aswagandha and its benefits on male vitality.

The raging morning erection with a sexy woman that just wishes her man would ravage her upon waking up… One of the best ways to wake up and get both of us smiling and relaxed right the first thing in the morning.

How I take my ashwagandha

It's very simple. Personally I love to just pop the Jarrow Formulas KSM-66 ashwagandha every morning with my coffee mug:

Jarrow Formulas Ashwagandha 300 mg, Supports Resistance to Fatigue, 120 Veggie Caps

On the night before sleep I usually pop Life Extension's Sensoril aswagandha extract capsule:

Life Extension Ashwagandha Extract Veg Capsules, 60-Count

I believe most men will see visible actual results from ashwagandha supplementing. I regard aswagandha as one of the better hacks for men to use to further themselves up from the average status.

The benefits are so well documented even with scientific studies. In this modern age this herb is one that needs to be considered as a staple supplement especially for men that are looking to be vital and sexual.

Good sleep + morning erection essentials

When it comes to supplements, I don't use any bullshit that many marketers shill just for the money. I just hate that noise when someone shills stuff that really does almost nothing.

I love my supplements as simple and beneficial. Beneficial for male vitality and male hormones – especially regarding this "how to get morning erection back" topic.

The essentials for my morning erection and overall better health has been these next two, and to be honest they're quite simple basic stuff.

Both of these together contribute majorly on my experiences with achieving better and deeper sleep which contributes to better hormonal health and ultimately to morning erections also:


magnesium and zinc supplements
Magnesium & zinc can play a major role in male hormone health & erection formation process

We talked about magnesium earlier, but I want to stress its importance more…

For aging men that have lost their better morning erection swagger, magnesium is studied to be something that they could benefit from the most

The ageing process seems to be at least partly due to the defect of anabolic hormones, low-grade inflammation, reduced physical activity, and a poor quality of nutrition.The permissive role that several micronutrients, such as magnesium, might exert on the serum concentration and the biological activity of T could be of undoubted interest for future clinical approaches. Male individuals with impaired magnesium status and T deficiency (accurately assessed) could benefit from magnesium and/or T treatment targeting physical performance. Future randomized clinical trials adopting synergistic treatments could lead to improving the effectiveness of T treatment, in preventing mobility limitation and adverse outcomes in older men. – Study

Magnesium is something that especially the men lacking strong morning erection could benefit from. Even with perfect diet most people could see benefit from legit magnesium supplement.

Studies have shown that magnesium intake affects the secretion of total IGF-1 and increase testosterone bioactivity. This observation suggests that magnesium can be a modulator of the anabolic/catabolic equilibrium disrupted in the elderly people. In a cohort of older men, magnesium levels are strongly and independently associated with the anabolic hormones testosterone and IGF-1. – Study: Magnesium and anabolic hormones in older men

I like to use magnesium citrate as a powder, just a few grams like half a teaspoon in water glass right before going to bed or with a supper smoothie.

This is what I'm using: magnesium citrate


Zinc has become a staple supplement that I pop almost every night before bed, especially on the days when I've been active and have sweated a lot.

The results indicate that exercise decreases thyroid hormones and testosterone in sedentary men; however, zinc supplementation prevents this decrease. Administration of a physiologic dose of zinc can be beneficial to performance. – Study

Lately I actually had my usual zinc stash out of stock for a month or so.

Did it contribute to losing hard morning erections? There's so much evidence that it's very likely.

When getting back to my normal routine of having these certain supplement essentials before bed, I quickly again started to experience very strong morning erections.

Coincidence? Well if I don't get enough of magnesium and zinc from my diet, and if I sweat a lot and exert my body in the activities like going to the gym and pushing hard…

Total and free testosterone levels following 4-week zinc supplementation were found significantly higher than the levels (both resting and exhaustion) measured before zinc supplementation. In conclusion, physiological doses of zinc administration may benefit performance. – Study

Well then I think there is no coincidence that when you start getting the nutrients your body needs, then things change and your normal functions get better when your nutrient deficiencis get fixed.

I've used for +5 years the Now Foods L-OptiZinc 30 mg capsules, which is a zinc form that really has worked greatly for my body and given results like bigger cum volume.

Again this too can be gotten from Amazon: Opti-zinc.

Enhance blood flow and lower cortisol

Increasing physical activity has shown positive results for erectile problems. Could it also help with a morning erections?

"Physical activity (PA) has proved to be a protective factor against erectile problems, and it has been shown to improve erectile function for men affected by vascular ED." – Physical Activity to Improve Erectile Function: A Systematic Review of Intervention Studies

I dedicated to go out for a walk daily in the fresh air, preferably some forest path or forest park. After some weeks, I noticed that it indeed helped me to get more frequent morning erections.

There is definitely something "healing stuff" going on with a forest and green areas…

Habitual walking in forest environments may lower blood pressure by reducing sympathetic nerve activity and have beneficial effects on blood adiponectin and DHEA-S levels, and habitual walking exercise may have beneficial effects on blood NT-proBNP levels. – Study on health effects of walking in forest enviroments

Walking in the forest paths is proven to lower cortisol stress hormone levels, which can be crucial in achiving more erections and ultimately getting morning wood.

Phytoncides, such as alpha-pinene and beta-pinene were detected in forest air, but almost not in city air. These findings indicate that a forest bathing trip increased NK activity, number of NK cells, and levels of intracellular anti-cancer proteins, and that this effect lasted at least 7 days after the trip. Phytoncides released from trees and decreased stress hormone may partially contribute to the increased NK activity. – Visiting a Forest, but Not a City, Increases Human Natural Killer Activity and Expression of Anti-Cancer Proteins

There is no doubt in my mind that this is one of the hacks that immensely helps your health. All this directly contributes to your ability to sleep better and overall live better healthier life, which translates into better sexual health.

Better health = more morning erections and more frequent raging morning woods. Walk in forest parks starting from today. Even studies say it's good for your erection: Physical Activity to Improve Erectile Function

Also, training with weights is very beneficial for men and their hormonal health. All these things contribute to your erectile function in a hard way (pun intended).

Penis enhancement for getting morning erection back

If you're familiar with penis enhancement, you know that you can train your penis just like any other muscle in the body.

Penis enhancement can include multiple things, like doing kegel exercises, jelqing & stretching and safe penis pumping.

My definite favorite is penis pumping as it doesn't require me to do anything and I can just sit there and let the penis pump do its work while I listen to audiobooks or watch Youtube videos.

Penis pump is a great tool to get the blood pumping on your penis and make gains on the lenght and the girth of your penis.

Pumping with a penis pump like Bathmate

So how do I do this and what benefits does penis pumping have regarding erections and morning wood?

In my experience the basic principle behind having strong erections is the fact that you get erections often. Like with any muscle, you lose it if you don't use it.

That's the magic of penis pump. Because penis pump actually "forces" an erection on your penis with its pressure chamber.

Without a fail I get erection with a penis pump.

This works even if it feels like I haven't experienced boners for days or weeks. And from that moment on after that I notice how I get more erections.

Especially waking up more often with rock hard morning erection.

If you don't use it you lose it. This statement is very true regarding penile health.

Many people also report that they actually SHRINK if they don't use their penis that often.

It means if you don't have erections or sex often you'll actually have smaller dong (temporarily, as it gets back with use).

That must affect every man's confidence levels. Personally after pumping my penis I'm noticeably bigger even as flaccid, and that converts into everyday life confidence.

Aside of nutrition, Bathmate pump is one of the best things I've noticed to work greatly on my penis performance and getting more spontaneous erections and morning wood.

Bathmate is a hydropump which you use in shower, fill it with water and apply it on your cock and pump away into your desired pressure.

Shower is enough, I don't personally have bathtub and it is not needed. Water pump makes it way more safer than regular pumps, especially for the beginners.

Penis pumps that I use for strenghtening my penis

Personally I've used Bathmate Hydromax7 (it used to be Hydromax X30 when I bought it almost 4 years ago) for ~4 years.

I gotta say that I've been so satisfied with this pump that I actually regret that all these years I didn't know about this device.

It has been a game changer regarding erection strength and achieving more morning erections.

The size bonus is nice also, even though I'm satisfied with my natural size I'm not against achieving extra size bonus every time I use Bathmate.

Although for casual users like me it is more a temporary size bonus and for me that's great too and definitely gives a major confidence boost.

Any time I have more free time and dedicate more of my time to pumping regularly for weeks & months, I see penis growth that stays.

After great pumping session I'm bigger even while flaccid the following 12-36 hours, depending how good the pumping session was.

I can only imagine what I could achieve if I stayed consistent in my pumping for years, I'd likely see permanent gains on my lenght and girth.

Definitely recommend Bathmate penis pumps for every aging man who cares about his penis and sexual health.

It'll thank you in regards to confidence and your partner surely loves it how it almost changed you into a younger stud version of yourself.

It does that to me and I love it.

For more information on Bathmate hydropumps be sure to read Bathmate FAQ that I've written. It'll answer many questions you might have.

Personally for me penis pump plays very crucial role in getting strong morning erections back from hiatus period.


In this article we learned what is morning erection (or morning wood) and how it can occur more often if you exercise these:

– Fix your nutrition by subtracting the bad and taking more good things (like plants) in
– Add "male vitality" herbals like maca & ashwagandha into your regimen
– The importance of magnesium & zinc on male androgens
– Improving oxygen saturation and blood flow (exercise or forest walks)
– Penis enhancement via penis pumps could help

I've lived periods with no morning erection due to aging, bad habits and stress especially.

But always when I get on track with these I start to experience HARD morning erections almost without a fail.

Now nothing beats waking up feeling great and having strong morning erection. It's very nice feeling compared to those times when I woke limp dicked with a brain fog.

The lifestyle improvements via diet and exercise can affect your sleep in major way. All this automatically contributes to better hormonal health and it is the bedrock of everything.

After that enhacements like supplements and healthy penis pumping is the icing on the cake that takes you to the next level of excellence.

Getting morning erection is not rocket science and just a few better habits can change everything upside.
